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کلمات کلیدی: In Vitro

موارد یافت شده: 115

1 - Joining up the scattered anticancer knowledge on auraptene and umbelliprenin: a meta-analysis (چکیده)
2 - بررسی افزایش تولید مشتقات فنلی دارویی گیاه کلپوره .Teucrium polium L) با استفاده از تازن کیتوسان در شرایط In vitro (چکیده)
3 - Conferone, a coumarin from Ferula flabelliloba, induced toxic effects on adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells (چکیده)
4 - Resistance pattern of a cold tolerant chickpea cultivar (Saral) against different pathotypes of Ascochyta rabiei using an in vitro pathogenicity test method (چکیده)
5 - Mineral Oil for in vitro Embryo Production: What We Should Know? (چکیده)
6 - Evaluation of dietary supplementation of B vitamins and HMBi on fermentation kinetics, ruminal or post-ruminal diet digestibility using modified in vitro techniques (چکیده)
7 - Tannic acid-modified magnetic hydrotalcite-based MgAl nanoparticles for the in vitro targeted delivery of doxorubicin to the estrogen receptor-overexpressing colorectal cancer cells (چکیده)
8 - Viability assessment of HT-29 cells after treatment with Streptomyces extracts from Persian Gulf (چکیده)
9 - Studies on Seed Germination, Plant Regeneration, and Soil Acclimatization of Nepeta binaloudensis Jamzad (Lamiaceae) (چکیده)
10 - Comparing toxic effects of auraptene and urolithin A in human colon adenocarcinoma cells (چکیده)
11 - Auraptene inhibited migration of human colon cancer cells in vitro (چکیده)
12 - In Vitro Effect of the Inorganic Buffers in the Diets of Holstein Dairy Cow Varying in Forage: Concentrate Ratios on the Rumen Acid Load and Methane Emission (چکیده)
13 - Organic and inorganic elicitors enhance in vitro regeneration of Rosa canina (چکیده)
14 - Optimization of plant growth regulators for in vitro shoot proliferation of apple cv. ʽAbbasiʼ using response surface method (چکیده)
15 - Silicon-doped calcium phosphates; the critical effect of synthesis routes on the biological performance (چکیده)
16 - Synergy between parthenolide and arsenic trioxide in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells in vitro (چکیده)
17 - The Human Cathelicidin LL-37, a Defensive Peptide Against Rotavirus Infection (چکیده)
18 - Assessment of in Vitro Radiosensitivity Parameters of Breast Cancer Cells Following Exposure to Radiotherapy Hospital-Based Facilities (چکیده)
19 - Screening of selected feedstuffs by juvenile pacu, Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier, 1818) (چکیده)
20 - Nutritional value, fourier transform infrared spectroscopic molecular structures, mycotoxines and heavy metals concentration of un-ripe, ripe and sun-dried fruit from 'Sultana' grapevine for ruminants (چکیده)
21 - Virtual screening of some heterocyclic structures toward novel antibacterial agents (چکیده)
22 - Effect of Essential Plant Oil Used as an Additive to Alter Silage Fermentation in Ruminant by In Vitro (چکیده)
23 - Developmental Role of Phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase (PAL) and Cinnamate 4-Hydroxylase (C4H) Genes During Adventitious Rooting of Juglans Regia L. Microshoots (چکیده)
24 - The Effect of Herbal Plant Mixture (HPM) on Gas Production Kinetics in In Vitro (چکیده)
25 - Effects of Ammoniated Sugar Beet Pulp by Different Levels of Ammonia and High Levels of Water with Additional of Enzyme on Parameters of in vitro Gas Production and Fermentation Properties (چکیده)
26 - بررسی اثر استفاده از سطوح مختلف آفت کش دیازینون ) diazinon ( همراه و یا بدون بنتونیت سدیم بر پارامترهای تولید گاز در شرایط in vitro (چکیده)
27 - A comparison of nutritional value of raisin wastes obtained from two Iranian grape varieties by in vitro rumen fermentation (چکیده)
28 - Prediction of energy contents and potential nutrient supply of raisin byproducts for ruminants using National Research Council feeding system and in vitro gas production method (چکیده)
29 - Investigation of the Molecular Signature and Spermatogenesis Potential of Newborn Chicken Spermatogonial Stem Cells in vitro (چکیده)
30 - Crude Protein Fractions and in vitro Gas Production of Alfalfa Silages Treated with Pistachio by‐Products Extract  (چکیده)
31 - The molecular signature and spermatogenesis potential of newborn chicken spermatogonial stem cells in vitro (چکیده)
32 - Effect of Addition Molasses on the Degradability Kinetics, Net Energy for Lactation, In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy of Potato Plant Silage in Ruminant Animals (چکیده)
33 - Study of Microglial Differentiation in Organotypic Brain Slice Culture by Lycopersicon esculentum tomato and Sambucus nigra (چکیده)
34 - Effect of Some Plant Essential Oils on In vitro Ruminal Methane Production and on Fermentation Characteristics of a Mid-forage Diet (چکیده)
35 - Influence of sodium hydroxide treatment of barley grain on in vitro rumen gas production and microbial-N yield (چکیده)
36 - In vitro effect of the adding of sodium hydroxide on rumen gas production of whole barley grain (چکیده)
37 - Effect of Addition Molasses on theDegradability Kinetics, Net Energy for Lactation, In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility andMetabolizable Energy of Potato Plant Silage in Ruminant Animals (چکیده)
38 - Study of Microglial Differentiation in Organotypic Brain Slice Culture by Lycopersicon esculentum tomato and Sambucus nigra (چکیده)
39 - Digestibility of selected feedstuffs in sub-adult Caspian great sturgeon, Huso huso using settlement fecal collection and stripping methods (چکیده)
42 - Effect of Level and Duration of Application of a Commercial Enzyme Mixture on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Responses of a Mid-Forage Total Mixed Ration (چکیده)
43 - Study of in vitro rumen fermentation kinetics of sour grape pomace ensiled with some additives in ruminants (چکیده)
44 - Studies on the effects of different chemical additives on the nutritive value of ensiled barley distillers grain (BDG) using in vitro techniques (چکیده)
45 - Toxicological effects of diazinon as anorganophosphate pesticide on fermentationactivity of microorganisms and evaluation ofsodium bentonite as a toxin binder by using (چکیده)
46 - Nutritional evaluation of ensiled brewers’ grain by the in vitro and in situ techniquesin vitro and in situ techniques (چکیده)
47 - In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristics of Intact or Oil Free of Various Protein Sources (چکیده)
48 - sodium bentonite as a toxin binder by using Toxicological effects of diazinon as an organophosphate pesticithe in vitro batch culturede on fermentation activity of microorganisms and evaluation of (چکیده)
49 - Chitosan‐based injectable hydrogel as a promising in situ forming scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering (چکیده)
50 - In vitro usage of various non-organic compounds to subdue acidogenic value and enhance the fermentation of alfalfa hay based diets by mixed rumen microbiota. (چکیده)
51 - Screening of selected feedstuffs by sub-adult narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
52 - Effect of phosalone on rumen in vitro fermentation parameters (چکیده)
53 - The effect of co-culturing denuded oocytes on the in vitro maturation of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (چکیده)
54 - An in vitro model for studying the interactions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) pathogens with the isolated gut tractus (چکیده)
55 - In Vitro Establishment and Clonal Propagation of Sebri Pear cultivar (چکیده)
56 - Plant extract enhanced ruminal CLA concentration, in vitro (چکیده)
57 - A novel and efficient one-pot synthesis of new α-aminophosphonates and evaluation of their biologicalactivities (چکیده)
59 - اثرات لپتین و انسولین بر ظرفیت‌یابی اسپرماتوزوای قوچ در تولید جنین آزمایشگاهی (چکیده)
60 - Effect of Malathion Toxicity on Dry Matter Degradability, Fermentation Parameters and Cumulative Gas Production by Using the in Vitro Technique (چکیده)
61 - Expression of chalcone synthase influences flavonoid content and frequency of rhizogenesis in microshoots of Juglans regia L. (چکیده)
62 - Organotypic brain slice culture promotes the transformation of haemopoietic cells to the microglial like cells (چکیده)
63 - Poisonous Effects of Phosalone as an Insecticide on Rumen Degradability of Dry Matter according to in situTechnique (چکیده)
64 - Effect of Increasing Amount of Oocyte Secreted Factors on Cumulus Expansion of Bovine Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes (چکیده)
65 - Potential nutritive value of some forage species used as ruminants feed in Iran (چکیده)
66 - Efficient Regeneration of ‘Caralis’ Alstroemeria Cultivar from Rhizome Explants (چکیده)
67 - Effect of various medicinal plant essential oils obtained from semi-arid climate on rumen fermentation characteristics of a high forage diet using in vitro batch culture (چکیده)
68 - Evaluation of complementary effects of 9,10-anthraquinone and fumaric acid on methanogenesis and ruminal fermentationin vitro (چکیده)
69 - Effect of genotypes and culture medium on shootregeneration and proliferation of Gerbera jamesonii (چکیده)
70 - Effect of semi-arid native fennel (Foeniculuim vulgare) essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of various ruminant fiber source feeds (چکیده)
71 - In vitro effect of oil content of various protein sources on ruminal protein fermentation (چکیده)
72 - Effects of L-NAME on In Vitro Maturation of Sheep Oocytes (چکیده)
73 - Calibration of In Vitro Gas Production Technique Using Digital Pressure Gauge: Air Versus Fermentative Gases (چکیده)
74 - In Vitro Culture of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Focusing on the Problem of Vitrification (چکیده)
75 - Effects of different levels of fish oil and canola oil on in vitro and in vivo nutrient digestibility (چکیده)
76 - Investigating the anti-cancer effects of tschimgine on MCF-7 cells in vitro (چکیده)
77 - Comparative nutritional evaluation of transgenic cottonseeds containing Cry1C protein for ruminant feeding (چکیده)
78 - Effect of Trivalent Chromium on Microbial Fermentation Rate of Barley and Straw Using In Vitro Gas Production (چکیده)
79 - Effect of Air Temperature of a Tower Heat-Dryer on In Vitro First Order NDF Disappearance Kinetics of Brewer s Grain (چکیده)
80 - In situ Ruminal Degradation and in vitro Gas Production of Chemically Treated Sesame Stover (چکیده)
81 - in Vitro Regeneration of Anthurium Andreanum Var. Tera (چکیده)
82 - Designing and cloning of modified C31 integrase gene for in vitro transcription and translation approach (چکیده)
83 - Effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of lucerne hay and cottonseed hulls (چکیده)
84 - Effect of various Iranian native medicinal herbs or spices on in vitro ruminal disappearance of lucerne hay (چکیده)
85 - Use of real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for monitoring in vitro ruminal cellulolytic bacteria population as affected by non-structural carbohydrates (چکیده)
86 - Pistachio hull tannin affected digestibility of soybean meal and alfalfs during in vitro digestion (چکیده)
87 - The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products (چکیده)
88 - The affect of mixed enzyme and chemical treatment of bagasse, untreated and steam pre-treated sugarcan pit on in vitro digestion of dry matter (چکیده)
89 - The chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of pistachio by-product (چکیده)
90 - Effect of Different levels of fish oil and canola oil on in vitro and in vivo nutrient digesbility (چکیده)
91 - Effect of different Levels of Fish Oil and Canola Oil on in vitro Dry Matter and Organic Matter and Digestibility (چکیده)
92 - Effect of dietary inorganic chromium supplementation on rumen microbial fermentation rate using in vitro gas production (چکیده)
93 - The influence of exogenous enzyme, formaldehyde and/or sodium hydroxide on in vitro Gas Production parameters of sunflower meal (چکیده)
94 - Screening the activity of medicinal plants or spices on in vitro ruminal methane production (چکیده)
95 - Effect of medicinal herbs or spices on in vitro ruminal nutrients disappearance of alfalfa hay (چکیده)
96 - Assessment Of Nutritive Value Of Four Dominant Weed Species In Range Of Khorasan Distric Of Iran By In Vitro And In Situ Technique (چکیده)
97 - Disappearance of dry matter and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde by isolated mixed rumen bacteria using in vitro culture (چکیده)
98 - مطالعه رفتار stem cell پس از کاشت بر روی داربست غضروفی در حالت in vitro با استفاده از تکنیکهای میکروسکوپی (چکیده)
99 - مطالعه اثرات ضد تکثیری لیگاند سالن و کمپلکس سالن-کپالت بر روی سلولهای NTERA2 در شرایط in vitro (چکیده)
100 - The in vitro comparison of TCC and NTERA2 cells drug resistance to cisplatin and vincristine (چکیده)
101 - Effects of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting forages (چکیده)
102 - effect of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting (چکیده)
103 - Comparison of ill-vitro enzyme procedure with the mobile nylon bag technique for estimating ruminal and post-ruminal disappearance of Iranian fced protein (چکیده)
104 - The effect of non fibre carbohydrate on in vitro first order dry matter disappearance model of various ruminant feeds (چکیده)
105 - Disappearance of dry matter and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde by isolated mixed rumen bacteria using in vitro culture (چکیده)
106 - Comparison of Techniques to Determine the Ruminal and Post-Ruminal Protein Disappearance of Various Oilseed Meals (چکیده)
107 - بررسی اثرات ویتامین های E و C بر خصوصیات اسپرم در محیط In Vitro (چکیده)
108 - The effect of non fiber carbohydrate on in vitro fi rst order NDF disappearance of alfalfa (چکیده)
109 - The relation between in vitro gas production by rumen fungi and protozoa and low fat sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde (چکیده)
110 - The effect of oil content of various feed protein sources on in situ and in vitro ruminal and post-ruminal protein disappearance (چکیده)
111 - The effect of non- fibre carbohydrate on in vitro NDF disappearance of various ruminant feeds (چکیده)
112 - Changes in chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of urea and molasses treated whole crop canola silage (چکیده)
113 - Ruminal and post-ruminal protein disappearance of various feeds originating from Iranian plant varie (چکیده)
114 - Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl (چکیده)
115 - Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on in vitro prostaglandin production by bovine fetal endometrial cells (تاثیر CLA بر تولید پروستاگلندینها در شرایط آزمایشگاهی) (چکیده)